Human Life Value (HLV) Calculator

Want to estimate your life value of an individual? Just fill in few details like household expenses, lifestyle expenses, number of dependents, expected goals, nethworth details, etc. to arrive at the your life value and plan your insurance needs.

What is the family’s Monthly Household Expenditure?
What is the family’s Annual Lifestyle Expenditure?
What percent of the monthly household expense is on you?
What percent of the annual lifestyle expense is on you?
What Inflation do you expect on household expenses?
What return do you expect on risk free securities?
How many financial dependents do you have?

1st Dependency Details

Select Dependent Type
What is the Dependent’s Current Age?
How many more years will they be dependent on you?
What is the percentage of monthly household expense spent on the dependent?
What is the percentage of annual lifestyle expense spent on the dependent?

What specific Goals does the dependent have? (If any)

Specify Goal Here (graduation / post graduation/ marriage / other)
Specify Goal Here (graduation / post graduation/ marriage / other)
Specify Goal Here (graduation / post graduation/ marriage / other)
Total Monthly Expense on Dependent
Financial Value of your Life to your Dependent

2nd Dependency Details

Select Dependent Type

What is the Dependent’s Current Age?
How many more years will they be dependent on you?
What is the percentage of monthly household expense spent on the dependent?
What is the percentage of annual lifestyle expense spent on the dependent?

What specific Goals does the dependent have? (If any)

Specify Goal Here (graduation / post graduation/ marriage / other)
Specify Goal Here (graduation / post graduation/ marriage / other)
Specify Goal Here (graduation / post graduation/ marriage / other)
Total Monthly Expense on Dependent
Financial Value of your Life to your Dependent

3rd Dependency Details

Select Dependent Type
What is the Dependent’s Current Age?
How many more years will they be dependent on you?
What is the percentage of monthly household expense spent on the dependent?
What is the percentage of annual lifestyle expense spent on the dependent?

What specific Goals does the dependent have? (If any)

Specify Goal Here (graduation / post graduation/ marriage / other)
Specify Goal Here (graduation / post graduation/ marriage / other)
Specify Goal Here (graduation / post graduation/ marriage / other)
Total Monthly Expense on Dependent
Financial Value of your Life to your Dependent

Other Details

Outstanding Loans
Other Liabilities
Contingency Funds that will be required by the family
Current Life Insurance that the client already has
Assets that the family will be able to financially use in case of clients demise
Total Insurance Requirement