How Women Should Go About Planning Their Retirement

With rising cost of living, and responsibilities to shoulder even after retirement, indeed funding for retirement is not easy. Outliving the desired retirement corpus or it proving insufficient is the biggest fear. Moreover it’s been observed, women leave retirement planning to their spouse.

But given the fact that life is uncertain, it’s best that women take control of their personal finances. If you, as a woman plan prudently, be disciplined, implement a wisely drawn retirement plan, and live within means; it can enable you to lead a stress-free life during your golden years, where you’ve dreamt of spending quality time with your spouse, children, grandchildren and the entire family. Even, pursuing a hobby – be it gardening, writing, photography, etc.

Please recognise that retirement planning is the only key to remain financially secure, financially independent, and maintain a comfortable standard of living even in the later years of life.

In this session we’ll explain how you as a woman can go about planning your retirement needs.

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